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Developing models of food web dynamics that are challenged by rapid environmental change.

We investigate the impact of different harvest pressure and selectivity, as well as interactions between harvest and other anthropogenic or environmental factors using model populations in controlled laboratory experiments, field studies and by evaluating long-term historical data sets.


To observe how aquatic communities respond to exposure to high temperature, fertilizer addition, and pesticide exposure at different spatial and temporal scales. 

Using the unique facilities at the University of Guelph, the Limnotron and Aqualab, we're looking to establish a quantitative link between evolution and ecosystem services to enhance the management of Canada's freshwater resources.

Observing Individual Fitness

Daily tracking of individual growth, survival, and reproduction under controlled conditions.


Testing food web 


Testing models of the effect of climate change, nutrient loading, and pesticide exposure on  food web dynamics.

Analyzing Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics

Can rapid evolutionary change rescue ecosystems from the effects of climate change, nutrient loading, and pesticides?

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